Welcome to West Steveston Medical Clinic’s website, designed to more effectively and efficiently communicate with you, while keeping you better informed about your health.
This site presents general health information and is not meant to replace a consultation with our physicians. Please print and bring along any information you wish to discuss to your next appointment.
This year, you can book your influenza vaccine appointment through the provincial government's Get Vaccinated system, the same system used to book COVID-19 vaccine appointments. If you've received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in BC, you're already registered with the Get Vaccinated system and will automatically receive an invite to book your influenza vaccine. If you are not yet registered, you can register online with the Get Vaccinated system or call 1-833-838-2323.
Booking through the Get Vaccinated system is the most efficient way to access an influenza vaccine; however, walk-in appointments are available at some pharmacies. It's best to call ahead to confirm availability.
We are a Long Term Family Practice and dedicated to being available long term for long term care at West Steveston Medical Clinic ( previous name: Ironwood Medical Clinic). We provide full service family practice in an outpatient setting.
We offer Rapid Access Consults for the following services:
Please note: Non−cosmetic services are usually covered by MSP or insurance; we accept referrals.
Emergency After Hours
If this is an emergency, please proceed to your nearest hospital emergency department or dial 9-1-1. After hours you may speak to a registered nurse by dialing 811 or 604-215-4700 at no charge. After hours patients of our Doctors may page a physician for emergency medical advice by phoning 604-527-4869. Please make sure that you can accept blocked calls on the phone number you leave.
Prepare For Your Visit
Please bring your care card information with you to your appointment if not already registered with us.We will need to charge a private fee if you do not have a valid care card or other third party payment plan (i.e. RCMP, Blue Cross, etc.).
Please update our staff on any changes in your contact information.
When will my results be available?
We understand that it can be very stressful at times when awaiting test results. However, we request that you do not phone the clinic to ask if your results are available because staff cannot provide results over the phone. The Test Result time depends on the types of tests you were sent for. In general:
Type of Test
When results are available
Lifelabs lab results (blood/urine)
1-2 business days
3-4 business days
4-8 weeks
Provincial labs (HIV, Syphilis, Hep C)
1-2 weeks
CT scans/ MRI
3-4 business days
approximately 5 business days
How do I know the results?
All lab results and reports are reviewed by a physician. If there are any abnormalities that require follow up, you will be contacted by our staff or a physician within a few days to book an appointment. You will be notified if the matter is urgent.
If you are not contacted you may follow up in person if an urgent need exists. Moreover, you are welcome to be seen at our clinic by our physicians to review your results at your convenience.
Why can you not provide results over the phone?
Our phones are answered by Medical Office Assistants who are not trained to interpret lab results.
We use electronic medical records and staff does not have access to lab results.
In order to protect patient confidentiality, we cannot provide medical information over the phone.
What can I do to facilitate receiving results?
Update your contact information (address, phone numbers) with our staff as soon as possible.
Do not call the clinic to inquire about your lab results unless you are called in. Doing so unnecessarily ties up the staff who can only advise you of the above.